The Importance of Repetition With Purpose

The Importance of Repetition With Purpose

When you are pursuing any amount of technical ability on a musical instrument, there is no substitute for hard work. Hard work, though isn’t enough. Once you identify the skills you want to work on, you have to develop those skills through repetition.

After all, drumming has a huge physical component to it: the mechanics of the player’s hands, arms and fingers, posture, relaxation, grip…the list goes on and on. Those aspects of a student’s playing are refined through repetition, which is a decidedly unglamorous thing to talk about, but it is indeed the key to greatness.

To Master Control, Be Consistent

Anyone can play a ton of notes. The difference between being an apprentice and a master is CONTROL. Control is developed through consistent (i.e. every day) practice. There is no substitute. Playing with control is what separates the elite players from everyone else.

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The Breakthrough

One of the most rewarding moments in teaching is when you have a student that has been working on a chart, or a groove, or a technical aspect of their craft, and you see the moment when the proverbial lightbulb over their head turns on. This is what I call The Breakthrough.

Breakthroughs can involve big picture concepts or tiny details. Often, The Breakthrough arrives when you don’t expect it, when you aren’t trying too hard, when you are not trying to force things. In other words, The Breakthrough arrives at mysterious times, but the common theme here is that you can’t force yourself to advance to the next level. You work, you fail perhaps, you try again, and over time diligence and persistence do pay off. Get your instrument in your hands every day. Pick up the sticks every day. Over the long haul, there is no substitute for consistent practice.

Once a student has The Breakthrough, that student creates his or her own momentum. Success creates confidence, and confidence creates success. It’s a loop. Once you can get into that loop, your growth will follow.

And….most importantly, you will find that these concepts apply in music, in school, in business, and everywhere else. It is universal.

Drumming is a lot like life...

Drumming is a lot like life. You can't bash your way through it all the time. Sometimes (rarely) you have to, but mostly, I find subtlety to be FAR more effective. With drumming, and music also, when you are playing full out all the time, the listener will grow bored very quickly. Music is like conversation, sometimes you yell, sometimes you whisper. The peaks and valleys are what make the trip interesting.

So one of the areas of focus for my more advanced students is dynamic control. Playing a tough passage at forte (loudly) is great….but can you play the same passage with the same intensity and performance level at mezzo piano? That’s one of the overarching goals here: total command of your dynamic abilities, and the pursuit of playing with total control. Control is what separates the elite players from everyone else.

Studying at grooveKSQ is about much more than drumming. There are a few lesson slots open now available. Email me at for details.