All About the May grooveKSQ Schedule...

For a teaching studio and live events producer, the current crisis has presented some real challenges. Lessons have transitioned to an online format temporarily, as have some of our other events. Around this time of year, we are typically preparing for the student grooveFEST performances. Of course, these are tough decisions to make, but everyone’s safety comes first.

For the month of May, here is what is happening:

Rhythm & Words is postponed. This event was designed to be live, in front of an audience. To move this particular event online would do a disservice to the performers and to the audience. I absolutely LOVE this performance concept and it will happen, but it will be presented in its optimal format when the conditions allow.

grooveFEST is postponed. For the same reasons. The educational benefit to the students is from the experience of live performance. Moving that event online would likewise not serve its chief purpose - to educate (and celebrate) the students. As soon as we can hold that event live, we will. Stay tuned.

Tuesday Night Vinyl has become Virtual Vinyl. This is an example of an event that can be transitioned online and still accomplish most of its mission. There is no real substitute for having everyone in the same room, BUT, I think that going forward when live events can resume, we will keep a component of this where people can participate remotely. This month’s event is scheduled for Sunday, May 24th, 7:00pm via Zoom. Please email me for the login information. Good headphones highly recommended!!!

Thank you for your continued support, we will all get through this situation together.